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Voel u goed met een volle bos haar


    Minimaal invasieve techniek

    De FUE-methode is een minimaal invasieve techniek die individuele haarzakjes verplaatst zonder grote insnijdingen of littekens, waardoor het herstel sneller en comfortabeler is.


    Natuurlijke resultaten

    Een FUE haartransplantatie zorgt voor natuurlijke resultaten, doordat de getransplanteerde haren in dezelfde groeirichting en dichtheid worden geplaatst als het oorspronkelijke haar.


    Kortere hersteltijd

    FUE-haartransplantaties bieden een kortere hersteltijd, dankzij de minimaal invasieve techniek en het vermijden van grote littekens.

    How does a hair transplant in Turkey work?

    With a hair transplant, hairs are transplanted in Turkey for low prices. This sounds logical, of course, but many people don't take into account that this cannot be done indefinitely . Hair is transplanted from the hair wreath. This is the area at the back of your head. The hair that grows here has the same properties as body hair. Since it has the same properties as body hair, it will not fall out as you age. When transplanting hair from this area, the transplanted hair retains the old properties. This makes it not sensitive to hair loss, because these hair follicles are not sensitive to the hormone DHT.

    In Turkey, FUE hair transplantation is now usually performed. Grafts are transplanted one by one from the donor area to balding areas. The grafts are taken with a small, hollow drill bit. The grafts are then taken out with tweezers. Are you balding on the crown and want to do something about it? Then incisions will be made on the crown where you want to get new hair. Then the hairs are transplanted to this area. In the next section you will read what the hair transplant prices in Turkey depend on.

    Hair transplantation Turkey prices FAQ - Frequently asked questionsM

    Below you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions about hair transplantation Turkey prices. Can't find the answer to your question? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

    1. How much does a hair transplant in Turkey cost? 

    Hair transplantation clinics compile the rates for treatments themselves. This means that, just like in the Netherlands, different prices are used. Compare the costs to identify your personal options. GlobalHair charges an all-in rate of € 2.949. That is more than 50% cheaper than the average price at a Dutch hair transplant clinic.

    2. How are the hair transplant prices built up? 

    The prices of a hair transplant are often based on the number of hair follicles that are transplanted. For example, a complex procedure with a large number of grafts is more expensive than a relatively small hair transplant. The reputation of the hair transplant clinic and the location also affect the price you pay. At GlobalHair deliberately chosen a fixed all-in rate, with up to 4,500 follicles are transplanted. This is a competitive rate that is considerably cheaper than with equivalent treatment in the Netherlands. In addition, the price includes 2 hotel nights, VIP transfers and medication.

    3. Does everyone pay the same amount for a hair transplant in Turkey? 

    The competitive all-in rate means that no distinction is made between different rates. At GlobalHair you pay the same as someone else for a micro FUE hair transplant. Rates apply for men and women.

    4. Why is a hair transplant in Turkey cheaper than in the Netherlands? 

    The costs for doctors, assistants and employees of a hair transplant clinic are considerably lower in Turkey than in the Netherlands. The general clinic costs are also cheaper in Turkey. The various cost items are passed on in the cost price for a hair transplant. Because the costs are lower in Turkey than in the Netherlands, the treatment can also be offered a lot cheaper.

    5. Can I rely on the quality of a hair clinic in Turkey? 

    Yes. GlobalHair works exclusively with ISHRS certified hair surgeons. The procedure is performed in a luxury hair clinic with modern hair transplantation equipment. Treating hair surgeons are experienced and work with a team of specialist assistants. Results that are achieved are fine.

    6. Is a hair transplant enough for optimal results? 

    Since up to 4,500 grafts can be harvested and transplanted during a treatment session , a hair transplant is sufficient in most cases. Of course this also depends on your hair loss and available donor material. A specialist can tell you more about this during a consultation. With complex hair transplants, you can later choose to have the hair further compacted. Then an additional intervention may be necessary.

    7. Are the results achieved really lasting? 

    Yes. Hair follicles successfully transplanted from the donor area at the back of your head will continue to produce hair. This is because they have a different structure that makes them insensitive to the DHT hormone that causes hereditary baldness. As you get older, the hair can become thinner.

    8. Can I request a reimbursement from my health insurer? 

    Applying for a cost reimbursement is always possible. However, don't expect too much of this. Hair transplants are rarely reimbursed. In most cases, treatment is done for cosmetic reasons. In case of medical necessity, a health insurer can decide to make an exception. It goes without saying that in this case you must be able to provide the necessary statements and documentation as evidence. You will find more information about reimbursement options in the policy conditions of your health insurance.

    9. Is it possible to pay a hair transplant in installments? 

    Yes. If you prefer not to pay the costs for the treatment in one go, you can make this known during the intake interview. GlobalHair will then put you in touch with wallet mypayment plan.nl. Before granting a credit, your data will be checked at BKR. If your credit application is approved, you pay off the loan amount in monthly installments. Interest costs are taken for granted.

    10. Can I get a discount on hair transplant prices? 

    If you compare the rates, it is certainly possible to take advantage. Look further than just the price. Compare the number of hair follicles that are transplanted and by whom a procedure is performed. Sometimes hair clinics offer a discount if, for example, you give permission to use your hair transplant before and after photos for publication and promotion purposes. Compare the possibilities in the Netherlands and Turkey. You will see that you save a lot by choosing a hair transplant at GlobalHair .

    11. Is the quality of an inexpensive hair transplant not up to par? 

    No, although of course you pay close attention to the content of a cheap hair transplant offer. Are enough hair follicles transplanted to achieve optimal results? What experience does the hair transplant specialist who applies the procedure? Cheap or affordable rates are not all expensive. The same applies vice versa. The most expensive intervention certainly does not have to give the best result.

    12. Can I deduct the costs of a hair transplant in Turkey from my tax return? 

    Before deducting the costs from the tax return, it is wise to have yourself informed by a tax consultant. Certain medical costs, which you pay yourself, can indeed be deducted from the annual tax return. The tax authorities have conditions for this . In addition to medical certificates, you must also be able to provide the original invoices, if requested.

    13. Do I have to pay for the consultation? 

    The first consultation at GlobalHair is free and has no obligations. The conversation serves to give you treatment advice. For this, the cause of the hair loss and the extent to which it has progressed are examined. Your health is discussed and the specialist asks about any medication you use. If necessary, take the packaging of the medicines you use with you.

    14. What additional costs should I count on? 

    GlobalHair charges an all-in rate. This means that the procedure is included, but also 2 hotel nights, VIP transfers and medication. Additional costs are the price for the flight ticket. Depending on the period in which you travel, the airline and the airport of departure flies for less than € 175 return. Do you want to extend your stay in Istanbul? Then of course you pay additional hotel nights and the extra costs for food and drinks.

    15. Is it necessary to travel to Istanbul for the consultation? 

    No, only the procedure itself takes place in the luxury hair clinic in Istanbul. You only fly back and forth to Turkey. GlobalHair has an office in Leiden where you can go for both the initial consultation and the aftercare after the hair transplant.

    16. What are the costs for aftercare hair transplantation? 

    Aftercare is included in the cost. You do not have to pay anything extra for this. In case of questions, ambiguities, concerns and problems after the hair transplant, you can contact the consultants in Leiden. It is also possible to come to the branch, so that you will be personally addressed and guided.

    17. Is it mandatory to come to a consultation? 

    For various reasons, you can decide not to come to a consultation. It is also possible to use a so-called photo consultation. You then send clear photos of the front, the back, the top and the sides of your head to contact@globalhair.nl. A doctor can give treatment advice based on the images. Also state the cause of your hair loss in the photos.

    18. Do I have a guarantee for a hair transplant in Turkey? 

    GlobalHair guarantees you a good result for a FUE hair transplant. In addition, you have a lifetime warranty on the hair follicles that are successfully transplanted. You will receive warranty conditions from the consultant during the intake interview.

    19. Do I have to make a decision immediately and how long is the waiting time? 

    No, after the consultation you can calmly think about the advice you have received. Do you want to undergo the treatment at GlobalHair in Turkey? Then a treatment date will be determined in consultation with you. You can usually be treated within a few weeks. This gives you time to book a flight ticket and prepare yourself optimally for the procedure.

    20. When do I have to pay the hair transplant costs? 

    The payment terms and options will be discussed with you during the consultation. It is usual for the full amount to be paid before the start of the procedure. You can do this before departure by bank transfer, but you can also pay the treatment amount on the spot.

    21. If I decide on the spot not to have the hair transplant performed, will I be charged? 

    Yes. As soon as you change your mind at the clinic and cancel the procedure, a cancellation fee will be charged. After all, the treatment room is reserved for you. Do you have any doubts? Then make this known before you leave for Istanbul. If you cancel longer before the procedure, the reserved time can be used for another treatment and you may not have to pay a cancelation fee.

    22. Can I compare the prices of a hair transplant in Turkey? 

    Yes. By comparing the various Turkish hair clinics side by side, a global comparison is possible. Again, you should compare equivalent treatments to get an objective overview. Make comparisons based on the same number of grafts . To get an even better picture, you can also search for experience stories of men and women who have already preceded you in a hair transplant in Turkey.

    23. Does a hair- saving hair transplant in Turkey cost more? 

    Especially women who are considering a hair transplant opt for the hair-saving method. The hair is not shaved completely, but only a part of the donor area. However, this means that the experienced hair surgeons may one day harvest and transplant less grafts than if the treatment is done with a shaved head. The costs are also no more than the all-in rate. However, do not expect treating specialists to ransplant the maximum number of grafts of 4,500. This number is significantly lower with a hair- saving FUE hair transplant.

    24. Is a cheap hair transplant in Turkey safe? 

    GlobalHair is specialized in applying the micro FUE hair transplantation technique. Hundreds of treatments are successfully applied every year. The procedure is very safe and has a very small risk of side effects and / or complications. This chance can be further reduced by following the instructions you receive. There are things you can take into account before, during and after the procedure. Recovery is smooth for most men and women, without complications.

    25. Do I have to buy expensive care products after the hair transplant? 

    No that is not necessary. You will receive care instructions during the last visit to the clinic before you leave home. The first week to a fortnight use the foam and shampoo that you have received in the clinic. Then you can wash your hair again as you used to. It is recommended to use a gentle, nourishing shampoo and avoid using hot styling equipment for a while.

    26. Is there anything else I should know about hair transplant prices in Turkey? 

    Prices between Dutch and Turkish hair transplants vary enormously. For a treatment you just pay 50% less in Turkey. It is worthwhile to take a closer look at the possibility of a hair transplant in Turkey. Pay attention to matters that are important to you. Not only the number of hair follicles that are transplanted is important. Matters such as travel and accommodation, communication options and aftercare can also be viewed. Be informed by both Dutch and Turkish hair clinics and experience for yourself how a consultation works and how your questions are answered. Compare the experiences you have with each other and especially take your time. Nobody asks you to make a choice immediately. Are you curious about the possibilities of a FUE hair transplant at GlobalHair in Istanbul? Make an appointment for a free intake interview in Leiden.

    Come on a free consultation! Or call 06 3338 8757 without obligation E-mail address telephone number

    Hair transplantation Turkey prices - what do they depend on?

    What do hair transplant prices in Turkey depend on. Most hair clinics in the Netherlands first look at how many grafts are needed to achieve a certain result. A graduated scale is used depending on the number of grafts . The more grafts or hairs transplanted, the higher the costs will be. The costs can add up with a high number of grafts . For example, for 2,000 grafts you pay at Dutch clinics between € 5,500 and € 10,000. This is not the case with GlobalHair. We have chosen to charge a fixed all-in rate for a day treatment. It does not matter whether 1,500, 2,000, 3,000 or even more grafts are required. We only charge € 2.949 for this.

    The hair transplant Turkey prices at GlobalHair are therefore very competitive. In fact, we can guarantee that we are the cheapest of all Dutch organizations.

    Why do many people opt for a hair transplant abroad for competitive prices in Turkey?

    Why do many people opt for a hair transplant abroad for competitive prices in Turkey? About 10 years ago, there were hardly any people who went abroad for a cosmetic procedure. Today, however, it is very normal. So we have seen a huge shift in this over the past 10 years. There are several reasons for this.

    To start with, the costs of a hair transplant in Turkey are of course much lower than in the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, doctors and a medical team earn much more than in countries such as Turkey. In addition, the clinic is often more expensive in the Netherlands. All these costs are passed on in your treatment. Many people therefore consider the costs of treatment abroad. Costs are of course important, but quality is decisive for many people. As a Turkish hair clinic, we also think it is very important that good quality is offered. Quality is of decisive importance for an optimal end result. Almost everyone nowadays knows someone who has been to Turkey for a hair transplant. The affected person went to Turkey with visible hair loss, came back with a short-shaven head and about a year later has a beautiful forest with her again. We also see that people who have undergone a hair transplant in Turkey are talking about this openly today. By talking openly and honestly about this, you can properly determine which hair clinics in Turkey are good. The result speaks for itself. The majority of our customers find their way to our clinic through word of mouth. Interested in a free hair transplant consultation for low prices in Turkey?

    Schedule a free hair transplant consultation for low prices in Turkey?

    If you want to schedule a free consultation after reading the text 'hair transplantation Turkey prices', please contact us via the contact form. You can also choose to send photos of your current situation. A hair transplant doctor will then look at your hair, looking at the number of grafts required . Tailor-made advice follows, with a quote especially for you. Be surprised today by the low hair transplant prices in Turkey.

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